Giving and Philanthropy

Published by root, on May 04, 2014

Giving and Philanthropy

Please Consider Making a Gift

The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine gratefully appreciates any gift or donation to support its mission to advance biomedical research, educate future generations of clinicians, scientists, and healthcare providers, and improve patient care with the most advanced diagnostics and therapies available. Penn has provided patient care for more than 250 years and is home to America's first hospital and first school of medicine. Members of the Department are privileged to be a part of this legacy. From Benjamin Franklin's inaugural gift onward, the entire Penn Medicine community has been thankful for every act of generosity and every opportunity to be of service.

Types of Gifts

  • Tribute Gifts: Honor someone who has impacted your life by making a gift in his or her name. A letter notifying your loved one or their family will be sent for each tribute gift.
  • Matching Gifts: Matching gifts offered through your company can double and, in some cases, even triple your gift. Enclose your company's matching gift form with your gift. Your company's personnel office will be able to provide more information about their matching gift program.
  • Gifts of Securities: Gifts of stocks or appreciated securities are often a wise choice because donors pay no capital gains tax while deducting the full value of the gift.
  • Planned Gifts: A planned gift, as a part of your financial and estate planning, provides additional tax and income benefits to you and your family. Planned or deferred gifts include, bequests, charitable gift annuities, retirement asset designations, charitable remained trusts and other tax-savvy options.
  • Naming Opportunities: With a gift of $25,000 or more (payable over multiple years), you can create a fund named in your or that of a loved one. Named funds enable you to direct resources to specific research initiatives or jumpstart novel programs.

Secure Online Giving

Designate your gift to a specific area:

·        Pathology Department Endowment Fund

·        Pathology Resident and Fellow Research Fund

·        Immunotherapy Research Fund

·        Neurodegenerative Disease Research Fund

·        Penn Center for Precision Medicine Gift Fund

Create a Custom Giving Page

Make a gift in honor or memory of your loved one

·       Penn GivingPages

Give by Mail

Make a check payable to the "Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania" and mail to:

Penn Medicine Development
Attn: Katie Dewees Detzel
3535 Market Street, Suite 750
Philadelphia, PA 19104

To learn more, please contact Katie Dewees Detzel at 215-746-1927 or