Cytopathology Fellowship

Published by root, on May 12, 2014

Cytopathology Fellowship

Fellowship Overview

The American Board of Pathology (ABP) accredited Cytopathology Fellowship Training Program at the University of Pennsylvania is available to all ABP-certified or -eligible persons. 

The Cytopathology section of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine has instructed fellows in Cytopathology since the 1980s. It provides a forum for specialized experience in academic and diagnostic cytopathology to residents fully trained in Anatomic Pathology. 

Typically, the fellowship year includes extensive clinical responsibilities, i.e., interpretation of gynecological, non-gynecological and procurement and on-site diagnoses of fine needle aspiration (FNA) material. Flow cytometry, molecular pathology, clinical informatics, interactive and didactic training of Pathology and Gynecology residents and medical students, plus exposure to new diagnostic methods and involvement in clinically oriented or translational-research projects, are additional components of the fellowship training. 

Early on, fellows are trained in the Cyto-preparatory Laboratory and participate in actual specimen preparation, staining, specimen problems, and troubleshooting. An introduction in the computerized Patient Data Bank includes retrieval of old records, old slides, and other information necessary for issuing a Cytopathology report, conference preparation, and research activities. Fellows also learn about laboratory management and quality assurance programs following guidelines of the American Society of Cytology and the College of American Pathologists. 

Current volume in the Cytopathology Laboratory processes is close to 50,000 clinical specimens annually. These are made up of over 35,000 gynecologic, and 11,000 non-GYN specimens, including approximately 3,000 FNA procedures. 

Clinical Responsibilities: Daily Sign-out, FNA service, on-call (nights and weekend), and daily cytopathology QA cases. Fellows are also encouraged to be involved in various research projects, which could lead to potential presentations at national pathology and cytopathology meetings. Teaching responsibilities are shared in the medical school Pathology course. 


Candidates must have completed a minimum of AP or AP/CP residency training, in an AMA-approved program in the United States or Canada. 

The Cytopathology Faculty and Fellows, 2023