MacLean Nasrallah, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Associate Vice Chair for Research 

Contact InformationHospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
6 Founders Pavilion
3400 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Specialty Division

Neuropathology, Neuropathology and Neurodegeneration

Research Expertise

Brain development, mouse models, in utero electroporation in mouse models, molecular biology

Itmat Expertise

Brain tumors, neuropathology and genetic/molecular pathology advances

Clinical Expertise

Neuropathology, molecular pathology of neuropathology


AB (Mathematics), Harvard University, 1997
PhD (Neuroscience), University of Pennsylvania, 2010
MD (Medicine), Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, 2012

Specialty Certification

Anatomic Pathology and Neuropathology, American Board of Pathology, 2016

Postgraduate Training

Resident, Anatomic Pathology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 2012-14
Fellow, Neuropathology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 2014-16

Awards and Honors

Academic Excellence and Achievement in Pathology Award, American Society for Clinical Pathology, 2012
Moore Award for Best Paper on Clinico-Pathological Correlation, American Association of Neuropathologists, 2023

Memberships and Professional Organizations

American Society for Clinical Pathology, 2013-16 (Annual Meeting Scientific Program Committee, Neuropathology Subcommittee, 2015-16)
United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 2013-16
Association for Pathology Informatics, 2013-15
Association for Molecular Pathology, 2015-17
American Association of Neuropathologists, 2015-present (Professional Affairs Committee, 2019-present)
Society for NeuroOncology, 2017-present (Co-Chair, Molecular Pathology Special Interest Track, 2023)
Glioblastoma Multiforme Translational Center of Excellence, Abramson Cancer Center, Penn Medicine, 2018-present
American Academy of Neurology, Residency Examination Advisory Panel, 2019-present
Glioma Longitudinal AnalySiS (GLASS) Consortium, 2020-present
Penn Neuro-Oncology Disease Team Leadership Council, 2020-present
ReSPOND (Radiomics Signatures for PrecisiON Diagnostics) Consortium on Glioblastoma, 2020-present
Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) Recurrent Glioma Pathology Working Group, 2020-present
National Cancer Institute, Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium, 2022-present
NRG Oncology, Neuropathology Expert Group, 2022-present

Web Links

Selected Publications

SETD2 mutations in primary central nervous system tumors

Viaene AN, Santi M, Rosenbaum J, Li MM, Surrey LF, Nasrallah MP, Acta Neuropathol Commun 6(1): 123, 2018, PMID:30419952

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Histopathologic quantification of viable tumor versus treatment effect in surgically resected recurrent glioblastoma

Bagley SJ, Schwab RD, Nelson E, Viaene AN, Binder ZA, Lustig RA, O'Rourke DM, Brem S, Desai AS, Nasrallah MP, J Neurooncology 141(2): 421-429, 2019, PMID:30446903

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Epidermal growth factor receptor extracellular domain mutations in glioblastoma present opportunities for clinical imaging and therapeutic development

Binder ZA, Thorne AH, Bakas S, Wileyto EP, Bilello M, Akbari H, Rathore S, Ha SM, Zhang L, Ferguson CJ, Dahiya S, Bi WL, Reardon DA, Idbaih A, Felsberg J, Hentschel B, Weller M, Bagley SJ, Morrissette JJD, Nasrallah MP, Ma J, Zanca C, Scott AM, Orellana L, Davatzikos C, Furnari FB, O'Rourke DM, Cancer Cell 34(1): 163-177, 2018, PMID:29990498

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In vivo evaluation of EGFRvIII mutation in primary glioblastoma patients via complex multiparametric MRI signature

Akbari H, Bakas S, Pisapia JM, Nasrallah MP, Rozycki M, Martinez-Lage M, Morrissette JJD, Dahmane N, O'Rourke DM, Davatzikos C, Neuro Oncol 20(8): 1068-1079, 2018, PMID:29617843

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Radiomic MRI signature reveals three distinct subtypes of glioblastoma with different clinical and molecular characteristics, offering prognostic value beyond IDH1.

Rathore S, Akbari H, Rozycki M, Abdullah KG, Nasrallah MP, Binder ZA, Davuluri RV, Lustig RA, Dahmane N, Bilello M, O'Rourke DM, Davatzikos C, Sci Rep 8(1): 5087, 2018, PMID:29572492

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A single dose of peripherally infused EGFRvIII-directed CAR T cells mediates antigen loss and induces adaptive resistance in patients with recurrent glioblastoma

O'Rourke DM, Nasrallah MP, Desai A, Melenhorst JJ, Mansfield K, Morrissette JJD, Martinez-Lage M, Brem S, Maloney E, Shen A, Isaacs R, Mohan S, Plesa G, Lacey SF, Navenot JM, Zheng Z, Levine BL, Okada H, June CH, Brogdon JL, Maus MV, Sci Transl Med 9(399): 399, 2017, PMID:28724573

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The second window ICG technique demonstrates a broad plateau period for near infrared fluorescence tumor contrast in glioblastoma

Zeh R, Sheikh S, Xia L, Pierce J, Newton A, Predina J, Cho S, Nasrallah M, Singhal S, Dorsey J, Lee JYK, PLoS One 12(7): e0182034, 2017, PMID:28738091

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Folate receptor overexpression in human and canine meningiomas-immunohistochemistry and case report of intraoperative molecular imaging

Pierce JT, Cho SS, Nag S, Zeh R, Jeon J, Holt D, Durham A, Nasrallah MP, Singhal S, Lee JYK, Neurosurgery 85(3): 359-368, 2019, PMID:30113687

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Differential effects of a polyalanine tract expansion in Arx on neural development and gene expression

Nasrallah MP, Cho G, Simonet JC, Putt ME, Kitamura K, Golden JA, Hum Mol Genet 21(5): 1090-8, 2012, PMID:22108177

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Intramedullary recurrence of a thoracic meningioma-presentation of an unusual case and review of the literature

Piazza MA, Ramayya AG, Geiger GA, Alonso-Basanta M, Nasrallah MP, Welch WC, Ozturk AK, World Neurosurg 92(no issue): 588.e17-588.e21, 2016, PMID:26852709

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Lis1 is necessary for normal non-radial migration of inhibitory interneurons

McManus MF, Nasrallah IM, Pancoast MM, Wynshaw-Boris A, Golden JA, Am J Pathol 165(3): 775-84, 2004, PMID:15331402

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Non-invasive detection of 2-hydroxyglutarate in IDH-mutated gliomas using two-dimensional localized correlation spectroscopy (2D L-COSY) at 7 Tesla

Verma G, Mohan S, Nasrallah MP, Brem S, Lee JY, Chawla S, Wang S, Nagarajan R, Thomas MA, Poptani H, J Transl Med 14(1): 274, 2016, PMID:27659543

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Developmental interneuron subtype deficits after targeted loss of Arx

Marsh ED, Nasrallah MP, Walsh C, Murray KA, Nicole Sunnen CN, McCoy A, Golden JA, BMC Neurosci 17(1): 35, 2016, PMID:27287386

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19-year-old male with headaches and a possible seizure

Nasrallah MP, Nasrallah IM, Prelack MS, Johnson MO, Lewis TB, Rubenstein M, Minturn JE, Desai A, Marcotte P, Santi M, Martinez-Lage M, Brain Pathol 27(4): 557-558, 2017, PMID:28585383

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Adult-Onset Myopathy in a Patient with Hypomorphic RAG2 Mutations and Combined Immune Deficiency

Henrickson SE, Walter JE, Quinn C, Kanakry JA, Bardakjian T, Dimitrova D, Ujhazi B, Csomos K, Bosticardo M, Dobbs K, Nasrallah M, Notarangelo LD, Holland SM, Fadugba O, J Clin Immunol 38(6): 642–645, 2018, PMID:30159811

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Perilesional hyperintensity on T1-weighted images in intra-axial brain masses other than cavernous malformations

Nabavizadeh SA, Pechersky D, Schmitt JE, Nasrallah M, Wolf R, Loevner L, Mamourian AC, J Neuroimaging 5(): 531-538, 2017, PMID:28098958

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Distinct DNA binding and transcriptional repression characteristics related to different ARX mutations

Cho G, Nasrallah MP, Lim Y, Golden JA, Neurogenetics 13(1): 23-9, 2012, PMID:22252899

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Interneuron deficits in patients with the Miller-Dieker syndrome

Pancoast M, Dobyns W, Golden JA, Acta Neuropathol 109(4): 400-4, 2005, PMID:15739099

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Analysis of non-radial interneuron migration dynamics and its disruption in Lis1+/- mice

Nasrallah IM, McManus MF, Pancoast MM, Wynshaw-Boris A, Golden JA, J Comp Neurol 496(6): 847-58, 2006, PMID:16628622

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