Emma E. Furth, MD

Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania 

Contact InformationHospital of the University of Pennsylvania
6.46 Founders Pavilion
3400 Spruce St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Office: 215-662-6504


Specialty Division

Anatomic Pathology

Research Expertise

Gastrointestinal, liver, biliary and pancreatic diseases. Mathematical modeling. Liver fibrosis mechanisisms. Image analysis. Human and animal models of disease comparison. Immunohistochemistry. Pathology.

Clinical Expertise

Pathology. Gastrointestinal and pancreas and liver diseases. Immunohistochemistry.

Itmat Expertise

Gastrointestinal, liver, biliary and pancreatic diseases. Mathematical modeling. Liver fibrosis mechanisisms.


M.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Genetic Toxicology): "Microwell plating technique for diploid human lymphoblast mutation assays: Quabain resistance as a measure of base pair substitution", 1979
B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1979
M.D. University of Chicago, 1984

Specialty Certification

American Board of Pathology, Anatomic and Clinical, 1990

Postgraduate Training

Internal Medicine Internship, Rush Presbyterian/St. Lukes Hospital, Chicago, IL, 1984-1985
Anatomic/Clinical Pathology Resident, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 1985-1990

Awards and Honors

Dean’s Basic Science Teaching Award, University of PA, 1992
Arthur Purdy Stout Society, International Academy of Pathology, 1996
1997 The Peter C. Nowell Teaching Award, 1997
James Wheeler Teaching Award, 2001
Christian Lindback Teaching Award/ University of Pennsylvania, 2006
James Wheeler Teaching Award/Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 2009
Best Lecturer in GI course Module II, U. Penn. Medical School, 2013

Memberships and Professional Organizations

United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 1992 - present
American Society of Clinical Pathologists, 1992 - Present
American Molecular Pathology Society, 2012 - Present
John Morgan Scientific Society, - Present
Pennsylvania Association of Pathology, - Present
Hans Popper Hepatopathology Society, - Present
International Academy of Pathology, - Present
Gastrointestinal Pathology Society, - Present

Web Links

Selected Publications

Oxyntic mucosa pseudopolyps: A presentation of atrophic autoimmune gastritis.

Krasinskas AM, Abraham SC, Metz DC, Furth EE, American Journal of Surgical Pathology 27(2): 236-41, 2003, PMID:12548171

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Inhibition of colon tumor progression and angiongenesis by the Ink4a/Arf Locus.

Gibson SL, Dai CY, Lee HW, DePinho RA, Gee MS, Lee WMF, Furth EE, Brensinger C, and Enders GH, Cancer Research 63(): 742-746, 2003

A pilot study of in vivo liver-directed gene transfer with an adenoviral vector impartial ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency.

Raper SE, Yudkoff M, Chirmule N., Gao GP, Nunes F, Haskal ZJ, Furth EE, Propert KJ, Robinson MB, Magosin S, Simoes H, Speicher L, Hughes J, Tazelarr J, Wivel NA, Wilson Jm, Batshaw ML, Human Gene Therapy 13(1): 163-75, 2002

The role of passenger leukocyte genotype in rejection and acceptance of rat liver allografts.

Kreisel D, Petrowsky H., Krasinskas AM, Krupnick AS, Szeto WY, McLean AD, Popma SH, Gelman AE, Traum MK, Furth EE, Moore JS, Rosengard BR, Transplantation 73(9): 1501-7, 2002, PMID:12023631

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Efficacy, safety and clinical outcomes of endoscopic mucosal resection: a study of 101 cases.

Ahmad NA, Kochman ML, Long WB, Furth EE, Ginsberg GG, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 55(3): 390-6, 2002

Microsattelite instability in intraductal papillary neoplasms of the biliary tract.

Abraham SC, Lee JH, Boitnott JK, Argani P, Furth EE, Wut TT, Mod Pathol 15(12): 1309-17, 2002

Gastrointestinal system.

Furth EE, Endocrine pathology W(9)(): 237-241, 2002

Detection of Varicella-Zoster in the smooth muscle and myenteric plexi of the colon in HIV-positive patient with herpes zoster and small bowel pseudo-obstruction.

Pui JC, Furth EE, Minda J and Montone KT, American Journal of Gastroenterology 96(5): 1627-30, 2001

Central Venulitis in pediatric liver allografts.

Krasinskas AM, Ruchelli ED, Rand EB, Chittams JL and Furth EE, Hepatology 33(5): 1141-1147, 2001, PMID:11343242

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Adenocarcinoma in colonic brushing cytology: High-grade dysplasia as a diagnostic pitfall.

Yu GH, Nayar R, and Furth EE, Diagn Cytopathol 24(): 364-368, 2001, PMID:11335971

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