Department Employee Wellness

Mission Statement

Our mission is to help our employees maintain or improve their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, optimize working environments and facilitate a positive and inclusive workplace culture.

The wellness committee seeks to:
 •  Provide activities that increase employee awareness on various health topics (e.g. healthy eating, exercise).
 •  Motivate and provide activities that help to build skills required to maintain a healthy lifestyle
    (e.g. fitness classes/challenges, cooking classes).
 •  Encourage all levels of leadership to engage in creating a supportive environment for employees to learn and
    implement their new skills.
 •  Put forward suggested policy recommendations on new & innovative health topics & ideas.
 •  Make staff aware of opportunities provided by the organization (e.g. EAP) to improve their health.
 •  Build strong partnerships with stakeholders who can help facilitate employees’ health management (e.g. HR).
 •  Continuously evaluate and improve the delivery of wellness programs through the use of evidence-based methods.

Committee Members

Danielle Fortuna (Co-Director) Risa Eichinger
Rashmi Tondon (Co-Director) Noelis Prieto
Kathleen Allen Jonathan Pulejo
Jamal Clark Jacquelyn Roth  
Marybeth Cooper Aubrey Sentman

Interested in joining the Wellness Committee? We're always looking for new members! Please email Dr. Danielle Fortuna if you'd like to join the team.

Suggestion Box

We want your feedback! Please use the link below to submit any comments or suggestions regarding events, resources, etc. that you’d like to see from our committee. We also welcome any questions or concerns. We are working for YOU! Link to suggestion box: https://forms.office.com/r/8pxsCQMPQ7 (PennKey and 2FA required)


Featured Resource 

Explore the PSOM Office of Academic Affairs Wellness Website
The PSOM Office of Academic Affairs wellness website provides links to resources for physical health, behavioral health, self care, and work-life integration. Although these links are geared towards faculty, many of the resources are available to staff members as well.


Art Walk

The PLM Wellness committee has curated information about the wonderful, world-class art that is offered for public viewing at the University of Pennsylvania. Below are links to pamphlets that each describe a work of art that is within walking distance. We hope they will provide background and a good reason to venture out on foot. Enjoy the journey!

Split Button (PDF)
Tree of Life (PDF)

Online Resources

*Note: some links will require PennKey access

UPHS Wellfocused Monthly Events (*Note: The contents of this calendar are only applicable to University of Pennsylvania Health System employees.)

Penn Cobalt
A new web-based platform that matches faculty and staff to mental health resources and the appropriate level of group and individual mental health and well-being support.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Penn's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides eligible faculty and staff and their immediate family members access to free, confidential, around-the-clock counseling and referral services for personal and professional life issues. EAP services are available by phone, email, webchat, video and through face-to-face sessions. The Health Advocate EAP counselors will connect you with the right experts at the right time: masters level clinicians, work/life specialists, medical bill negotiators, and financial and legal professionals. In addition, Health Advocate offers multi-language capabilities. Call 1-866-799-2329, Email EAPinfo@healthadvocate.com or Visit www.healthadvocate.com/upenn

MindWell at Penn
MindWell at Penn brings together all the components of your mental health and wellness, like the Penn Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and the behavioral health component of your health plan. Everything you need to know is here in the MindWell Guide.

Free Mindfulness Course at Penn
Did you know you can participate in a free mindfulness course through Penn? View all the upcoming Penn Programs for Mindfulness courses and events. Enrollment periods generally begin in August for our fall programs, December for our winter programs, March for our spring programs, and in May for our summer programs.

Penn Medicine Listening Lab
Created by patients, caregivers, staff, and providers, the Penn Medicine Listening Lab is a storytelling initiative that embraces the power of listening as a form of care.

Penn Campus Recreation
Penn Card holders and approved affiliates (PennMed Staff) are eligible to purchase a membership with Campus Recreation. Penn Campus Recreation Membership includes access to the Pottruck Health & Fitness Center and the Fox Fitness Center. The Fox Fitness Center currently remains closed and more information on an exact opening date will be provided in August. New and returning members are highly encouraged to register for their membership online through the Membership Portal tab under membership.

This fall, members will gain access to a variety of group exercise classes each week, completely free with membership! Classes such as yoga, spinning, Zumba, barre and more will be offered throughout the week. Looking for something a bit more personal? Members will still have access to discounted rates for personal training, swim lessons and other offered courses.

PSOM Office of Academic Affairs Wellness Website
The PSOM Office of Academic Affairs wellness website provides links to resources for physical health, behavioral health, self care, and work-life integration. Although these links are geared towards faulty, many of the resources are available to staff members as well.

myHR shows you how to make the most of the Division of Human Resources' benefits, programs, and services at the University of Pennsylvania.

See/sign up for upcoming and ongoing events and activities by the Wellfocused team for things like cooking classes, book clubs, movement, planning for retirement and more! You can earn "wellness points" and track your personal growth towards goals. Take a Well-Being Assessment to see where you currently stand and what goals might be best for you.