Ping Wang, PhD, DABCC, FAACC

Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Director of the Clinical Chemistry Section and Core Laboratory
University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine

Contact InformationChief of Clinical Chemistry
Director of Core Laboratory
Hospital of University of Pennsylvania
Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St.
Founders 7.103
Philadelphia, PA, 19104
Office: 215-614-6062


Specialty Division

Laboratory Medicine

Itmat Expertise

Innovative diagnostic technologies that enable equitable access to high-performance diagnostics, advance precision diagnosis and prognosis using bioengineering, nanotechnology, chemistry and microfluidics; clinical method development and clinical trials

Other Expertise

Dr. Wang is on Scientific Advisory Boards of major and startup diagnostics companies. She works with industry partners to translate diagnostic tools in development into clinical applications, by way of pre-submission clinical studies and clinical trials.

Clinical Expertise

Dr. Wang's clinical expertise focuses on in vitro diagnostics. She is a member of the FDA Medical Devices Advisory Committee. Her areas of clinical expertise includes Clinical Chemistry, Automation, Point-of-care Testing, Toxicology, Clinical Mass Spectrometry and Molecular Diagnostics.

Research Expertise

Seventy percent of healthcare decisions rely on in vitro diagnostics results, for disease diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring. One of the fields where diagnostics play important roles is Precision Medicine. However, high-performing diagnostics that generate highly sensitive and specific information are only available in highly resourced and specialized settings, resulting in limited clinical and societal impact. We focus on translational research by partnering with clinicians, engineers and other partners to develop, validate and translate innovative diagnostics technologies that enable wide and equitable access to diagnostics and inform rapid and efficient medical decision making in all kinds of settings. We take unmet clinical needs observed in our daily practice to research labs to develop novel technology solutions, which are then tested and validated in the intended use setting in iterations. The ultimate goal of our research is to benefit patients and improve outcomes by making these novel technologies available to a wide variety of populations.


BS (Biological Sciences & Biotechnology), Tsinghua University, China, 2000
PhD (Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology), University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2005

Specialty Certification

American Board of Clinical Chemistry, Molecular Diagnostics subspecialty #47, 2008
American Board of Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Chemistry subspecialty #1032, 2008
American Board of Clinical Chemistry, Toxicological Chemistry subspecialty #127, 2011

Postgraduate Training

Clinical Chemistry Fellowship, COMACC-accredited, University of California, San Francisco, 2005-2007

Awards and Honors

Novo Nordisk Scholarship in Life Sciences, 1998
American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship, 2002-2004
University of Wisconsin-Madison Vilas Travel Award, 2004
Paul E Strandjord Young Investigator Award, Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists, 2006
American Association of Clinical Chemistry Annual Meeting, Student Poster Contest Award, Honorable Mention, 2006
American Association of Clinical Chemistry Annual Meeting, Student Research Travel Grant, 2007
National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry Distinguished Abstract Award, 2009
Finalist, Outstanding Research Award in Molecular Pathology/Pharmacogenomics, AACC Molecular Pathology Division, 2009
National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry Distinguished Abstract Award, 2012
Finalist, Outstanding Research Award in Molecular Pathology/Pharmacogenomics, AACC Molecular Pathology Division, 2012
Career Cornerstone Award, 2013
Pathology Leadership Academy, Association of Pathology Chairs, 2016
Emerging Inventor of the Year, University of Pennsylvania, 2022

Memberships and Professional Organizations

American Association of Clinical Chemistry, 2005 - Present
Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists, 2006 - Present
Northern California Section, American Association of Clinical Chemistry, 2006 - 2006
National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry, 2008 - Present
American Association of Clinical Chemistry, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Toxicology Division, 2010 - 2012
North American Chinese Clinical Chemists Association, 2010 - 2012
Association of Molecular Pathology, 2011 - Present
Immunosuppressant Scientific Committee, International Association of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology, 2013 - Present
American Board of Clinical Chemistry, 2014 - 2016
Electronic Testing Task Force, American Board of Clinical Chemistry, 2014 - 2016
American Association of Clinical Chemistry, Lipoproteins and Vascular Diseases, 2014 - 2015
North American Chinese Clinical Chemists Association, 2015 - 2017
Unitegen, 2015 - 2016
Commission on Accreditation of Clinical Chemistry, 2016 - 2016
NIH Center for Scientific Review, Surgical Sciences, Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, ZRG1 SBIB-Q 57, Academic-Industrial Partnerships for Translation of Technologies for Diagnosis and Treatment (R01), 2017 - present
Genome BC Canada, 2017 - 2017
Personalized Medicine Division, American Association of Clinical Chemistry, 2017 - 2018
Roche Diagnostics US Infectious Disease Scientific Advisory Board, 2017 - 2017
American Board of Clinical Chemistry, 2017 - 2018
Association of American Medical Colleges Mid-Career Women Faculty Leadership Development Seminar, 2017 - 2017
Dr. Edward S. Cooper Leadership Training Program, Perelman School of Medicine and Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania, 2017 - 2017
FOCUS Mid-career Series/University of Pennsylvania, 2017 - 2017
Committee for Omics Translation, Emerging Technologies Division, International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 2019 - Present
American Association of Clinical Chemistry Research Prize Competition Organizing Taskforce, 2019 - Present
Personalized Medicine Division, American Association of Clinical Chemistry, 2019 - 2020
Science and Practice Core Committee, American Association of Clinical Chemistry, 2019 - 2020
NIH Bioengineering Sciences and Technologies IRG (BST) Center for Scientific Review Instrumentation and Systems Development (ISD) Study Section, 2019 - Present
NIH Center for Scientific Review Special Emphasis Panel Interdisciplinary Molecular Science and Training (ZRG1 IMST-J) Small Business: Biological Chemistry, Biophysics, and Assay Development, 2020 - Present
American Chemical Society-Division of Biochemicl Technology/European Society of Biochemical Engineering SCiences COVID19 Working Group, 2020 - Present
Societal Responses to and Preparedness for Emerging Viral Infections – 2020, The Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF), Denmark, 2020 - Present
NIH Center for Scientific Review Panel for Emergency Awards: Rapid Investigation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), 2020 - Present
NIH Center for Scientific Review, Bioengineering Sciences and Technologies IRG, Instrumentation and Systems Development Study Section (ISD), 2021 - Present
FDA Medical Devices Advisory Committee, Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Toxicology Devices Panel, 2021 - Present

Web Links

Selected Publications

Point-of-care Testing

Wang P. and O'Kane M., Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, 7th Edition, 2022

Deadly Pathogens, Transformative Technologies, and Protracted Pandemics: Challenges and Opportunities in Laboratory Medicine

Pritt BS, Wang P, Nuzzo J, Zimmermann S and Burnham CA, Clin Chem 68(1): 1-3, 2022

Point-of-care Testing

Wang P., Tietz Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, 9th Edition, 2022

Pretreatment Methods for Human Nasopharyngeal Swabs to Increase Signal to Noise Ratio of High Sensitivity Immunoassays

Chen H, Feng S, Zhou W, Li Z, Richard-Greenblatt M and Wang P, ACS Measurement Science Au 2(5): 414, 2022

Debulking different Corona (SARS-COV-2 delta, omicron, OC43) and Influenza (H1N1, H3N2) virus strains by plant viral trap proteins in chewing gums to decrease infection and transmission

Daniell H, Nair SK, Guan H, Guo Y, Kulchar RJ, Torres MDT, Shahed-Al-Mahmud, Liu Y,Graham-Wooten J,Zhou W, Wang P,Mante F, Fuente-Nunez C, Ma C, Ricciardi R, Collman R,Wolff MS, Biomaterials 288(): 121671, 2022

Performance of Two Fentanyl Immunoassays Against a Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method

Feng S, Rutledge TJ, Manzoni M, Le T, Gardiner J, Milone M, Shaw L, Wang P, J Anal Tox 45(2): 117-123, 2021

The SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak: Diagnosis, Infection Prevention, and Public Perception

Wang P, Anderson N, Pan Y, Poon L, Charlton C, Zelyas N, Persing D, Rhoads D and Babcock H, Clinical Chemistry, 2020

Femtomolar SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Detection Using the Microbubbling Digital Assay with Smartphone Readout Enables Antigen Burden Quantitation and Tracking

Chen H, Li Z, Feng S, Richard-Greenblatt M, Hutson E, Andrianus S, Glaser LJ, Rodino KG, Qian J, Jayaraman D, Collman RG, Glascock A, Bushman FD, Lee JS, Cherry S, Fausto A, Weiss SR, Koo H, Corby PM, O’Doherty U, Garfall AL, Vogl DT, Stadtmauer EA, Wang P, Clin Chem 68(1): 230, 2021

A Biomarker for Concussion: The Good, the Bad and the Unknown

Reece JT, Milone MC, Wang P, Herman D and Shaw LM, The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine 5(1): 170-82, 2020

Point of Care Drugs of Abuse Testing in the Opioid Epidemic

Li Z and Wang P, Arch Pathol Lab Med 144(11): 1325-34, 2020

Debulking SARS-COV-2 in Saliva using Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 in the Chewing Gum to Decrease Oral Virus Transmission and Infection

Daniell1 H, Nair1 S, Esmaeili1 N, Wakade1 G, Schad D, Gerbrick K, Kulp J, Shepley-McTaggart A, Feng S,Islam R, Nuth M, Nunez Cruz S, Graham-Wooten J, Streatfield S, Lopez RM, Kaznica P, Mawson M, Green B, Gurdon C, R. Ricciardi,1 Milone M,Harty R,Wang P and Collman R, Molecular Therapy 30(): 1-13, 2022

Falsely Increased Plasma Lactate Dehydrogenase without Hemolysis following Transport through Pneumatic Tube System

Herman D., Cobani E., Baraban E., Bagg A., and Wang P., Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine 4(3): 433-438, 2019

Quantitation of Femtomolar Protein Biomarkers Using a Simple Microbubbling Digital Assay via Bright-field Smartphone Imaging

Chen H., Li Z., Zhang L., Sawaya P., Shi J., Wang P., Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58(39): 2-9, 2019

Point-of-care Testing

Wang P., NEJM/AACC Learning Lab, 2019

Lateral Flow Assay Ruler for Quantitative and Rapid Point-of-care Testing

Li Z., Chen H. and Wang P., Analyst 144(10): 3314-22, 2019

Development and Clinical Validation of a Sensitive Lateral Flow Assay for Rapid Urine Fentanyl Screening in the Emergency Department

Li Z., Chen H., Feng S., Liu K. and Wang P., Clinical Chemistry 66(2): 324-32, 2020

Point-of-care Testing for Infectious Diseases

Chen H., Liu K., Li Z. and Wang P., Clinica Chimica Acta 493(): 138-147, 2019

Wearable Knitted Bands For Sweat Glucose Sensing and Quantitation in Telemedicine

Wang P, Panatdasirisuk W, Zhang M, Stoltzfus A, Dion G, Yang S, 27th Critical and Point of Care Testing International Symposium, Anaheim, CA, 2018

A Ultra-low Cost Smartphone Octochannel Spectrometer for Mobile Health Diagnostics

Wang L, Naudé N, Chang Y, Crivaro A, Kamoun M, Wang P*, and Li L*, Journal of Biophotonics 11(8): doi:10.1002/jbio.201700382, 2018, PMID:29603674

Read article

Analytical Validation of an Ultra Low-cost Mobile Phone Microplate Reader for Infectious Disease Testing

Wang L, Naudé N, Demissie M, Crivaro A, Kamoun M, Wang P*, Li L*, Clinica Chimica Acta 482(): 21-26, 2018, PMID:29580858

Read article

Integrated microfluidic chip for efficient isolation and deformability analysis of circulating tumor cells

Liu Z, Chen R; Li Y; Liu J; Wang P*; Xia X* and Qin L*, Advanced Biosystems 2(10):, 2018

Efficient homology-directed gene editing by CRISPR/Cas9 in human stem and primary cells using tube electroporation

Xu X, Gao D, Wang P, Chen J, Ruan J, Xu J, and Xia X, Nature Scientific Reports 8(1): 11649, 2018

Quality Control Practices for Chemistry and Immunochemistry in a Cohort of 21 Large Academic Medical Centers

Rosenbaum MW, Flood JG, Melanson SEF, Baumann NA, Marzinke MA, Rai AJ, Hayden J, Wu A, Ladror M, Lifshitz MS, Palmer SM, Bowen R, Babic N, Sobhani K, Giacherio D, Bocsi G, Herman DS, Wang P, Toffaletti J, Handel E, Kelly KA, Albeiroti S, Wang S, Zimmer M, Driver B, Yi X, Wilburn C, Lewandowski KB, American Journal of Clinical Pathology 150(2): 1-9, 2018

The Prevalence and Role of Hemoglobin Variants in Biometric Screening of a Multiethnic Population: One Large Health System’s experience

Wilburn C.R., Bernard D.W., Zieske A.W, Andrieni J., Miller T. and Wang P., American Journal of Clinical Pathology 147(6): 589-95, 2017, PMID:28575177

Read article

Fast, Sensitive and Quantitative Point-of-care Platform for the Assessment of Drugs of Abuse in Urine, Serum and Whole Blood

Li Y, Uddayasankar U, He B, Wang P* and Qin L*, Analytical Chemistry 89(16): 8273-8281, 2017, PMID:28700829

Read article

Nanoporous Glass Integrated in Volumetric Bar-chart Chip for Point-of-care Diagnostics of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

Li Y, Xuan J, Song Y, Qi W, Wang P*, Qin L*, ACS Nano 10(1): 1640-47, 2016

Integrative volumetric bar-chart chip for rapid and quantitative point-of-care detection of myocardial infarction biomarker

Song Y., Wang Y., Qi W., Li Y., Xuan J., Wang P*., Qin L*, Lab on a Chip 16(15): 2955-62, 2016

A Microfluidic Platform with Digital Readout and Ultra-Low Detection Limit for Quantitative Point-of-Care Diagnostics

Li Y, Xuan J, Song Y, Li Y, Wang P*, Qin L*, Lab on a Chip 15(16): 3300-06, 2015

High Throughput, Label-free Isolation of Cancer Stem Cells on the Basis of Cell Adhesion Capacity

Zhang Y, Wu M, Han X, Wang P*, and Qin L*, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 127(37): 1-6, 2015