David B. Roth, MD, PhD

Emeritus Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania 

Contact Information6.036 Gates Building
3400 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-4283
Office: 215-615-6510
Fax: 215-662-4063


Specialty Division

Anatomic Pathology, Cancer and Immunobiology

Itmat Expertise

Identifying actionable mutations in canine hemangiosarcoma to enable clinical trials and to potentially apply this knowledge to human angiosarcoma.

Press Expertise

News Coverage
"Penn Cancer Center Looks to Expanded Gene Testing" Philadelphia Inquirer, August 9, 2013.

Other Expertise

Director, Penn Center for Precision Medicine
Panelist, Panel Discussion at Penn Medicine Advances: "Pathways Leading to Cures", Merion, PA, November, 2013


BA (Biochemistry), Rice University, Houston TX, 1981
MD (with High Honors), Baylor College of Medicine, Houston TX, 1986
PhD (Biochemistry), Baylor College of Medicine, Houston TX, 1988

Specialty Certification

American Board of Pathology (Anatomic Pathology), 1992
Gallup Certified Strengths Coach, 2015

Postgraduate Training

Postdoctoral Fellow, Biochemistry, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston TX, 1986-1986
Resident, Anatomic Pathology, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda MD, 1988-1991
Postdoctoral Fellow, Molecular Biology, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Bethesda MD, 1990-1993

Awards and Honors

National Merit/Cohn Scholar, Rice University, 1977-1981
Hudson Scholar, MD/PhD Program, Baylor College of Medicine, 1986-1988
Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society, 1988
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship for Physicians, 1991-1993
Charles E. Culpeper Medical Scholar, 1995-1998
Best Syllabus Award for Immunology Course, Medical School Students, Baylor College of Medicine, 1997
Best Syllabus Award for Immunology Course, Medical School Students, Baylor College of Medicine, 1998
Innovative Teaching Award, American Medical Association, 1998
Best Syllabus Award for Immunology Course, Medical School Students, Baylor College of Medicine, 1999
Teaching Excellence Award, Graduate Students, Baylor College of Medicine, 1999
Outstanding Teacher Award, Second Year Medical School Class, Baylor College of Medicine, 2000
Teaching Excellence Award, Graduate Students, Baylor College of Medicine, 2001
Teaching Excellence Award, Graduate Students, Baylor College of Medicine, 2002
Teacher of the Year, First Year Medical Students, New York University School of Medicine, 2005
Distinguished Teacher, Basic Sciences, New York University School of Medicine, 2008
Teacher of the Year Award, Medical School Class of 2009, New York University School of Medicine, 2009
Elected Member, Association of American Physicians, 2011
Fellow, College of American Pathologists, 2011
Named to the "Power List", 100 most Influential People in Pathology, The Pathologist., 2015-2015

Memberships and Professional Organizations

Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society, 1987 - Present
American Board of Pathology, Diplomate, 1992 - Present
American Society for Microbiology, 1993 - Present
American Association of Immunologists, 1997 - Present
Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society, 2000 - Present
American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, 2000 - Present
The Harvey Society, 2000 - Present
The New York Academy of Sciences, 2000 - Present
American Association of University Pathologists (The Pluto Society), 2000 - Present
Review Panel for HHMI Postdoctoral Fellowships for Physicians Program, 2001 - 2001
NIH Allergy and Immunology Study Section, Ad Hoc Member, 2001 - Present
Association of Pathology Chairs, 2012 - Present
Pathology Society of Philadelphia, 2013 - Present
Pennsylvania Association of Pathologists, 2013 - Present
Elected Fellow, College of American Pathologists, 2013 - 2013
Graduate, Teleos Leadership Institute, 2014 - 2014
American Cancer Society, 2015 - 2015
Gallup certified strengths finder coach, 2015 - 2015
Association of Pathology Chairs, 2016 - Present
Northeast Association of Pathology Chairs, 2016 - Present
Society of '67 (Association of Pathology Chairs), 2017 - Present
Boston Children's Hospital Scientific Advisory Board, 2018 - Present
University of Texas Medical Branch, 2018 - 2018
College of American Pathologists, 2018 - Present

Web Links

Selected Publications

Clinical utility of next-generation sequencing for oncogenic mutations in patients with acute myeloid leukemia undergoing allogenic stem cell transplantation

Luskin MR, Carroll M, Lieberman D, Morrissette JJD, Zhao J, Crisalli L, Roth DB, Luger SM, Porter DL, Reshef D, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 22(): 1961-67, 2016

Building a Robust Tumor Profiling Program: Synergy between Next-Generation Sequencing and Targeted Single-Gene Testing

Hiemenz MC, Kadauke S, Lieberman DB, Roth DB, Zhao J, Watt CD, Daber RD, Morrissette JJ, PLoS One 11(4): e0152851, 2016, PMID:27043212

Read article

Young but Powerful: Penn Medicine’s Center for Personalized Diagnostics is on a mission to improve patient care using the power of genomics

Roth D, The Pathologist, 2016

RAG2 and XLF/Cernunnos interplay reveals a novel role for the RAG complex in DNA repair

Lescale C, Abramowski V, Bedora-Faure M, Murigneux V, Vera G, Roth DB, Revy P, de Villartay JP, Deriano L, Nat Commun 7(10529): , 2016, PMID:26833222

Read article

Using "residual" FNA rinse and body fluid specimens for next-generation sequencing: An institutional experience

Wei S, Lieberman D, Morrissette JJ, Baloch ZW, Roth DB, McGrath C, Cancer Cytopathol, 2015, PMID:26682952

Read article

Off target V(D)J recombination drives lymphomagenesis and is escalated by loss of the Rag2 C-terminus

Martina Mijušković, Yi-Fan Chou Vered Gigi, Cory R. Lindsay, Olga Shestova, Susanna M. Lewis, David B. Roth, Cell Reports 12(): 1842-1852, 2015

Genome Editing Technologies: Defining a Path to Clinic.

Corrigan-Curay Jacqueline, O'Reilly Marina, Kohn Donald B, Cannon Paula M, Bao Gang, Bushman Frederic D, Carroll Dana, Cathomen Toni, Joung J Keith, Roth David, Sadelain Michel, Scharenberg Andrew M, von Kalle Christof, Zhang Feng, Jambou Robert, Rosenthal Eugene, Hassani Morad, Singh Aparna, Porteus Matthew H, Molecular therapy: the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 23(5): 796-806, 2015, PMID:25943494

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What you are missing could matter: a rare, complex BRAF mutation affecting codons 599, 600, and 601 uncovered by next generation sequencing.

Wilson Melissa A, Morrissette Jennifer J D, McGettigan Suzanne, Roth David, Elder David, Schuchter Lynn M, Daber Robert D, Cancer genetics, 2014, PMID:25178945

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RAG2 mutants alter DSB repair pathway choice in vivo and illuminate the nature of 'alternative NHEJ'

Gigi V, Lewis S, Shestova O, Mijušković M, Deriano L, Meng W, Luning Prak ET, Roth DB, Nucleic Acids Research 42(10): 6352-64, 2014, PMID:24753404

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