Mohammad Haj Dezfulian, PhD

Assistant Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Contact InformationPerelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Stellar-Chance Laboratories, Rm 709C
440 Curie Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Specialty Division

Cancer and Immunobiology

Research Expertise

My lab's primary research objective is to elucidate the fundamental mechanisms by which genetically encoded biomolecules regulate complex immunological responses. By integrating systems biology with advanced biomolecular design and engineering, we develop innovative tools and technologies to systematically dissect and reconstruct these intricate biological systems. This engineering-driven approach allows us to precisely decode immune responses and specificity in patient-derived samples across a spectrum of pathologies. Through strategic collaborations and the engineering of novel biological modalities, our ultimate goal is to translate the mechanistic insights we acquire into effective immunomodulatory therapies for autoimmune disorders, malignancies, and infectious diseases.


B.Sc. (Molecular Biology and Genetics), Tehran University & Chamran University, 2006
PhD (Molecular Biology and Genetics), University of Windsor, 2014

Specialty Certification

Postgraduate Training

Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical School/ Birgham and Women's Hospital, 2015-2022

Awards and Honors

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Graduate Student Scholarship, Graduate School Salary Award, 2006-12
International Graduate Scholarship, University of Windsor, Department of Graduate Studies, Full tuition scholarship for the duration of graduate studies, 2006-12
Graduate Excellence Award, University of Windsor, Department of Graduate Studies, Tuition Scholarship, 2006-12
Conference Travel Award, Department of Graduate Studies, University of Windsor, 2008
International Student of the Year Award, International Student Society, University of Windsor, 2010-11
Excellence in Research and Teaching Award, Graduate Student Society, University of Windsor, 2011-12
Conference Travel Award, Department of Graduate Studies, University of Windsor, 2012
Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology, Government of Ontario, Graduate school salary award, 2012-13
Poster Presentation Award, Salivary Glands and Exocrine Biology Gordon Research Conference, CA, 2023
Roberts Family-Katalin KarikoĢ Fellowship in Vaccine Development, 2024

Memberships and Professional Organizations

American Association for Cancer Research, 2024 - Present
University of Pennsylvania Abramson Cancer Center, 2025 - Present

Web Links

Selected Publications

High-throughput discovery of MHC class I- and II-restricted T cell epitopes using synthetic cellular circuits

Kohlgruber AC, Dezfulian MH, Sie B, Wang CI, Kula T, Laserson U, Larman HB, Elledge SJ., Nat Biotechnol no volume(no issue): , 2024

TScan-II: A genome-scale platform for the de novo identification of CD4+ T cell epitopes

Dezfulian MH, Kula T, Pranzatelli T, Kamitaki N, Meng Q, Khatri B, Perez P, Xu Q, Chang A, Kohlgruber AC, Leng Y, Jupudi AA, Joachims ML, Chiorini JA, Lessard CJ, Farris AD, Muthuswamy SK, Warner BM, Elledge SJ., Cell 186(25): 5569-5586.e21, 2023

T-Scan: A Genome-wide Method for the Systematic Discovery of T Cell Epitopes.

Kula T, Dezfulian MH, Wang CI, Abdelfattah NS, Hartman ZC, Wucherpfennig KW, Lyerly HK, Elledge SJ., Cell. 178(4): 1016-1028.e13, 2019

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