Deborah French, PhD
Research Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Contact InformationChildren's Hospital of Philadelphia
3501 Civic Center Blvd
Colket Translational Research Building 5014
Philadelphia, PA, 19104
Office: 267-426-9673
Email: frenchd@chop.edu
Specialty Division
Cancer and Immunobiology
Research Expertise
As Director of the human pluripotent stem cell (PSC) core, established in 2008 within the Center for Cellular and Molecular Therapeutics at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, our mission is to provide expertise and quality-control reagents for culture and differentiation of human PSCs to the research communities. The Core occupies 1500 sq ft on the 5th floor of the Colket Translational Research Building and has served the entire CHOP/UPENN community with distribution of available iPSC lines made with patient cells of clinical interest and NIH-approved embryonic stem cell lines. The Core has generated over 13 control and more than 200 iPSC lines from patients of interest. All PSCs display virtually unlimited self-renewal in culture, can be induced to differentiate into mature tissues derived from all three germ layers, including blood, pancreas and neurons; and can be genetically manipulated using genome-editing technologies. The Core has SOPs for PSC growth and maintenance, differentiation to germ layer and derivative tissue of interest, and genome editing technologies including CRISPR/Cas. Accordingly, these cell lines offer great long-term promise in the fields of tissue engineering for cell-based therapeutics and regenerative medicine. The Core also provides hands-on enrichment/training courses for investigators interested in learning how to establish and work with PSCs. This is a well-attended training course from investigators both on the CHOP/UPENN campus and nationally and internationally. Technologies for creating and manipulating PSCs are evolving rapidly and we are dedicated to incorporating the latest technologies and protocols to the research community.
BS (Microbiology), Purdue University, W Lafayette, IN, 1974
PhD (Immunology), Rush University, Chicago, IL, 1984
Specialty Certification
Postgraduate Training
Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Cell Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, 1984-1989
Awards and Honors
Established Fellow of the New York Heart Association, 1984-1986
Catacosinos Young Investigator Award for Cancer Research, 1990
Ilma F. Kern Foundation of the New York Heart Association, 1997-2003
The Charles Slaughter Foundation, 1999-2002
"Breaking through with Madeline Bell", CHOP inaugural podcast, 2018
President, COREdinates organization, 2019-2021
Memberships and Professional Organizations
American Society of Hematology, 2000 - Present
International Society of Stem Cell Research, 2000 - Present
American Heart Association, 2000 - 2020
International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2000 - 2010
American Heart Association, Thrombosis Grant Review Study Section, 2002 - 2005
NIH Special Emphasis panel for “Sex hormone induced thromboembolism in pre-menopausal women”, 2017 - 2017
Medical Research Council (MRC) Research grant peer review "Unravelling the molecular mechanisms underlying human pluripotent stem cell forward programming for improved cellular therapies", 2018 - 2018
Doctoral Degrees Board, University of Capetown, Examination of PhD Thesis "Investigating the role of a FAM111B mutation in Hereditary Fibrosing Poikiloderma (POIKTMP) using Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC) model", 2019 - 2019
NIH Special Emphasis Panel, ZRG1 IMST-H, Small Business: Cell and Molecular Biology, 2019 - 2019
Ministry of Science, Technology and Space: Hadassah Medical Organization Regenerative Medicine grant review "Generation of platelets for transfusion purposes using Livin protein", 2019 - 2019
NIH Special Emphasis Panel, ZRG1 VH-N R15 Award, 2019 - 2019
NIH Special Emphasis Panel, ZRG1 F10C-N (20)
Fellowships: Physiology and Pathobiology of the Vascular and Hematological Systems, 2020 - 2020
SEP ZHL1 CSR-I (F1) “NIH Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings (Parent R13)” PA-21-151, 2021 - 2021
NHLBI ZHL1-CSR-L (02) R13 Conference Grants, 2022 - 2022
Medical Research Council (MRC) Research Grant Peer Review "Engineering desialylation- and CD42 cleavage-resistant platelets to optimise storage and maintain lifespan and function
following transfusion", 2022 - 2022
Search committee for NHLBI Division of Cardiovascular Science (DCVS) Associate Director, Basic and early translation research (BETR), 2023 - 2023