Brian Harding, DPhil, BMBCh
Emeritus Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Contact InformationChildren's Hospital of Philadelphia
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
S 34th St & Civic Center Blvd
Main Building, Suite 5NW15
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: 267-426-5504
Fax: 267-426-7783
Itmat Expertise
Developmental neuropathology
Malformations and peditatric degenerative disorders of the nervous sytem
B.A. (Animal Physiology), Worcester College, University of Oxford, 1969
M.A. (Animal Physiology), Worcester College, University of Oxford, 1976
B.M. B.Ch. University of Oxford ( & St George’s Hospital Medical School London), 1976
D.Phil. (Thesis: A Study of certain nuclei of the thalamus), Dept of Anatomy University of Oxford, 1976
Specialty Certification
MRCPath Royal College of Pathologists (Neuropathology), 1982
FRCPath Royal College of Pathologists (Neuropathology), 1994
Postgraduate Training
House officer in Medicine, St James Hospital Balham SW12, 1976-1976
House officer in Surgery, St George’s Hospital, Hyde Park Corner, London SW1, 1976-1977
Senior House officer/Registrar, Pathology St George’s Hospital, London SW1 & SW17, 1977-1979
Senior Registrar in Histopathology, St George’s Hospital, London SW17, 1979-1980
Senior Registrar in Neuropathology, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queens Square, London WC1, 1980-1983
Awards and Honors
American Association of Neuropathologists, Award for Meritorious Contributions to Neuropathology, 2018
Memberships and Professional Organizations
British Neuropathology Society, 1981 - Present
British Paediatric Neurology Association, 1985 - 2008
British Neuropathology Society, 1986 - 1989
American Association of Neuropathologists, 1989 - Present
Royal College of Pathologists (UK) scheme, 1990 - Present
Societe Francaise de Neuropathologie, 1990 - 2008
Clinical Pathology Accreditation Ltd (UK), 2004 - 2008
Royal College of Pathologists (UK) scheme, 2005 - 2008
Royal College of Pathologists (UK) scheme, 2007 - 2008
The College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 2010 - Present
Web Links
Selected Publications
Histopathological Findings in Brain Tissue Obtained during Epilepsy Surgery.
Blumcke I, Spreafico R, Haaker G, Coras R, Kobow K, Bien CG, Pfäfflin M, Elger C, Widman G, Schramm J, Becker A, Braun KP, Leijten F, Baayen JC, Aronica E, Chassoux F, Hamer H, Stefan H, Rössler K, Thom M, Walker MC, Sisodiya SM, Duncan JS, McEvoy AW, Pieper T, Holthausen H, Kudernatsch M, Meencke HJ, Kahane P, Schulze-Bonhage A, Zentner J, Heiland DH, Urbach H, Steinhoff BJ, Bast T, Tassi L, Lo Russo G, Özkara C, Oz B, Krsek P, Vogelgesang S, Runge U, Lerche H, Weber Y, Honavar M, Pimentel J, Arzimanoglou A, Ulate-Campos A, Noachtar S, Hartl E, Schijns O, Guerrini R, Barba C, Jacques TS, Cross JH, Feucht M, Mühlebner A, Grunwald T, Trinka E, Winkler PA, Gil-Nagel A, Toledano Delgado R, Mayer T, Lutz M, Zountsas B, Garganis K, Rosenow F, Hermsen A, von Oertzen TJ, Diepgen TL, Avanzini G; EEBB Consortium., New England Journal of Medicine 377(17): 1648-1656, 2017, PMID:29069555
Deregulated expression of EZH2 in congenital brainstem disconnection
Barth PG, Aronica E, Fox S, Fluiter K, Weterman MA, Poretti A, Miller DC, Boltshauser E, Harding B, Santi M, Baas F, Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol 43(4): 358-365, 2017, PMID:27886392
Anaplastic transformation in a Pilocytic astrocytoma
Lopez G, Perry A, Harding B, Santi M, J Neuropath Exp Neurol 76(): 511-2, 2017
Opiate Cerebellar toxicity: Correlation of imaging and neuropathology in a child.
Harding B, Voosough A, J Neuropath Exp Neurol 76(): 527, 2017
Developmental and perinatal brain diseases.
Adle-Biassette H, Golden JA, Harding B, Handbook Clin Neurol 145(): 51-78, 2017, PMID:28987191
Mutations in Citron Kinase Cause Recessive Microlissencephaly with Multinucleated Neurons.
Harding BN, Moccia A, Drunat S, Soukarieh O, Tubeuf H, Chitty LS, Verloes A, Gressens P, El Ghouzzi V, Joriot S, Di Cunto F, Martins A, Passemard S, Bielas SL, Am J Hum Genet. 99(2): 511-20, 2016, PMID:27453579
Pontine tegmental cap dysplasia: neuropathological confirmation of a rare clinical/radiological syndrome.
Harding B, Vossough A, Goldberg E, Santi M, Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 42(3): 301-6, 2016, PMID:26331236
Degos disease mimicking primary vasculitis of the CNS
Gmuca S, Boos MD, Treece A, Narula S, Billinghurst L, Bhatti T, Laje P, Perman MJ, Vossough A, Harding B, Burnham J, Banwell B., Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm 3(2): E206, 2016, PMID:26894208
A Clinical, Neuropathological and Genetic Study of Homozygous A467T POLG-Related Mitochondrial Disease
Rajakulendran S, Pitceathly RD, Taanman JW, Costello H, Sweeney MG, Woodward CE, Jaunmuktane Z, Holton JL, Jacques TS, Harding BN, Fratter C9, Hanna MG, Rahman S, PLoS One 11(1): e0145500, 2016, PMID:26735972
Truncating mutations in Citron-Kinase: a cause of micro-lissencephaly with multinucleated neurons
Harding B, Moccia A, Chitty L, Bielas S, JNEN 75(): , 2016