Darshana N. Jhala, MD, MBBS

Professor of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Contact InformationPhiladelphia Veterans Administration Medical Center (VAMC)
Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
3B 118, 3900 Woodland Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: 215.823.6396
Fax: 215.823.4271


Specialty Division

Anatomic Pathology

Other Expertise

Indian Classical Vocal Music
Gujarati Cultural Association


B.Mus. (Vocal classical), Miraj University, Maharashtra, India, 1982
MB; BS (Medicine and Surgery), Gujarat University, India, 1986
MD (Pathology and Bacteriology), Gujarat University, India, 1991

Specialty Certification

Miraj University, Maharashtra, India; Sangeet Visharad/B Mus-Vocal Classical., 1982
Gujarat University, India; M.B;B.S., 1986
Gujarat University, India; M.D.(Pathology and Bacteriology), 1991
American Board of Pathology, Certification in Clinical Pathology, 2002
American Board of Pathology, Certification in Anatomic Pathology, 2002
American Board of Pathology, Specialty certification in Cytopathology, 2004

Postgraduate Training

Resident in Pathology, B. J. Medical College, Asarwa, Ahmedabad, 380016, India, 1987-1990
Resident in Pathology, Allegheny University Hospitals, Philadelphia, PA, 1996-1998
Resident in Pathology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, 1998-1999
Fellow in Hematopathology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, 1999-2000
Fellow in Hematopathology, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 2000-2000
Fellow in Cytopathology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, 2000-2001

Awards and Honors

First (12 times), in various competitions of Classical Vocal Music held in Ahmedabad, Gujarat , India, 1976-1979
Invited Guest Playback Singer , Award winning Movie Production: " Bhavani Bhavai". Music Direction by: Gaurang Vyas, 1979
National Merit Scholar for academic distinction in S.S.C (state board examination, only top 5% of 15000 students receive this award), Gujarat State., 1979
Youngest Winner - State Vocal Classical Music Competition, Gujarat State, India, 1979
Invited by Government of Gujarat to interact with prominent music directors to enrich Gujarati Music, 1979
National Merit Scholar for academic distinction in H.S.C. (state board examination, only top 5% receive this award), Gujarat State., 1981
First in B. J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, in Second M.B.; B.S. University Examination, 1984
Invited Honorary Delegate: International Conference on Gujarati Literature, Bombay, 1987
Winner " Mehfil "( similar to Indian Idol) live music competition on Indian TV ( Doorsdarshan), 1988
Gold Medal for first place and highest marks in postgraduate university examinations (M.D: Pathology and Bacteriology) Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India, 1991
Paul E Strandjord Young Investigator Award. "Abnormal localization of immature precursors (ALIP) in subtypes of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and its correlation with cytogenetic abnormalities. ACLPS meeting Harvard Medical College, Boston, MA. June., 1998
Paul E Strandjord Young Investigator Award. "Neutrophil rich Ki-1 positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma, T cell type presenting as a scalp mass in HIV positive patients.” ACLPS meeting organized by UAB at Birmingham., 1999
NIH Funded Clinical Research Training Program (K30), 2001-2003
Abstract nominated for The Sheard Sanford Pathology Resident Award-ASCP. Judy Pugh, D. Jhala. “Evaluation of Deep-Seated Lymphoma by Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy (EUS-FNAB).” Am Soc Clin Path Ann mtg, San Antonio, TX Oct. 9, 2004
Invited Guest Singer with Assistant Music Director ( Shri Aashit Desai) for the Academy Award Winning Movie - "Gandhi".
On USS Sequoia, Presidential Yacht in Washington DC., 2006
Who's Who in America, 2006-2013
America's Who's Who, 2006
Best Doctors in America, 2007-2013
Invited Guest Singer from US - Samanvay India( Live Stage performance ) with Prominent Bollywood Singers in India, 2007
Mentor Sky of Fame, American Society of Cytology, 2007-2012
America's Top Pathologists, 2007
Bharat Gaurav Award. Some of the prior luminaries include : Former Vice President of India Late Shri B. D. Jatti, Hon. Omie Singh ( Member of Parliament , S. Africa), Sudhir Srivastava ( NIH), Rajesh Khanna ( Bollywood Actor), 2007
America's Top Physicians, 2007
Best Doctors in Alabama, 2008-2010
Nominated for Geno Saccomanno,New Frontiers in Cytology Award by American Society of Cytopathology. Taniyama K, Jhala D, et al, Atypical squamous cells and HPV of the uterine cervix in Japan and Asia. Cover page: Diag Cytopathol July 2011 issue., 2009
"National Association of Professional Women", 2010-2011
Nominated for Excellence in Teaching Award by Residents in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania, 2011-2012
Mahatma Gandhi Pravasi Sammelan Award for exceptional Contributions in the feilds of Music and Medicine. Venue: House of Lords, London, UK. By: Parliamentary Under Secretary of the State for International Affairs. U.K Prime Minister: David Cameron., 2015-2015
Invited by Mayor : Michael Nutter. To perform at the First Diwali Celebration for the City of Philadelphia. Venue: Love Park , Philadelphia, PA, 2016-2016
Invited by Consulate General of India, New York for Singing on the Opening Ceremony of Gujarat Day, 2016-2016
Who's Who Lifetime Achievement Award, 2017-Present
Adjapong, O & Jhala D. Diagnostic Yield of cytology and surgical specimen in non small cell carcinoma of the lung in veteran population in the era of personalized diagnostics. Finalist for the Best Education poster Award at the annual meeting of ASCP., 2018
Guest of Honor, Inauguration of Annual Scientific Program for the Indian academy of Cytology , GOA , India, 2018-2018
Patel V, Petersen J, Jhala D. Highly effective model for implementation for in house platelets in a tertiary hospital setting without a trauma center: The CMC VAMC experience. Finalist Abstract for Laboratory Practice. Annual meeting of ASCP, Phoenix,AZ, 2019
Focused article by Leading Newspaper highlighting Dr Darshana Jhala as Indian Physician , Educationist and Singer in USA. Article Published by : Gujarat Samachar., 2019-2019
Invited Celebrity Guest for Live Conversation with TV Host. As Pioneering pathologist, Educator, Classical Singer and Cultural Ambassador. TV Chanel : TV Asia . Program Segment: Focus Live ; Interviewer: Leading Journalist : Vikas Nangia., 2019-2019
Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine ( By Invitation), 2019
Peterson J, Patel, S, Dalal S, Jhala D. Laboratory diagnosed gonorrhoea and chlamydia infection rate in Veteran Population: The CMC VAMC experience. ***Finalist Abstract for Laboratory Practices, Annual meeting of ASCP, Phoenix,AZ, 2019
Focused article by Leading Newspaper highlighting Dr Darshana Jhala as Indian Physician , Educationist and Singer in USA. Article Published from New Delhi by : Gujarat Dhara, 2019-2019
Blue Ribbon Finalist for the Lab Professional Category. "Validation/Verification of Abbott RealTime SARS- CoV-2 Assay on the Abbott m2000 System: The Veteran Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) Experience" by American Society for Clinical Pathology, 2020
Blue Ribbon Finalist for the Test Utilization Category for "In-House Viral Transport Medium (VTM) Manufacture in the Time of Shortage, Supply and Crisis of COVID- 19 at Veteran Affairs Medical Center (VAMC)" by the American Society for Clinical pathology, 2020
Blue Ribbon Finalist for the Test Utilization Category "Criticality of Adequate Quality Monitoring of Pre-Type and Screen Orders for the Operating Room: Role of the Education, Proactive Communication at VAMC" by American Society for Clinical Pathology, 2020
Invited as a Subject Matter Expert for COVID-19 Disease to interview on WHYY radio, 2020
ASCP Blast of In-House Viral Transport Medium (VTM) Manufacture in the Time of Shortage, Supply and Crisis of COVID-19 at Veteran Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) by American Society for Clinical Pathologists, 2020
Blue Ribbon Finalist for the Test Utilization Category. Returning the Blood and Saving the Supply, the Veteran Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) Experience by American Society for Clinical Pathology, 2020
Blue Ribbon Winner in Lab Professional Category "Valuable Hospital and Laboratory Practice in an Integrated Medical System for HIV Infection Prevention Interventions at a Veteran Affairs Medical Center (VAMC)" by American Society for Clinical Pathology, 2020
Blue Ribbon Finalist in Lab Practice Category "Practical Risk Scoring System for Predicting Severity of COVID-19 Disease" by American Society for Clinical Pathology, 2021
Invited as a Lead to develop Standard Operating Process for Digital Pathology for the entire Veterans Health Administration., 2021
Recognition in being invited to serve as Technical Advisor for the World Health Organization, 2021
Invited and recognized to serve as Technical Advisor for the World Health Organization, 2021
Invited to Contribute to the Chapter on Molecular Pathology of Pancreatic Cancer in the first edition by the WHO Tumor Pathology Series for Pancreatic Cytology, 2021
Invited to serve as lead pathologist to develop White paper for implementing Digital pathology service for entire veteran health administration in USA., 2022
Invited member to the American Society of Cytopathology Art for Advocacy Committee, 2022-2024
Nominated to serve as member of the national VHA committee to develop the molecular pathways and personalized diagnostics for GI malignancies., 2022
Elected President, Pennsylvania Association of Pathologists., 2022-2024
Blue Ribbon Finalist for Lab Professional Category "Continuing Profound Impact of Continued Education Sessions on Blood Bank Specimen Labeling Years Later at the Veteran Affairs Medical Center" by American Society for Clinical Pathology, 2022
Invited member, precision oncology/partnership between oncology and ORD., 2022-2024
American Society of Cytopathology Telecytology Validation Task Force Committee Member, 2022-2023
Medal of an Honor/Challenge Coin for COVID-19 Testing Work awarded to Dr. Jhala by Secretary of Veteran Affairs Robert Wilkie for leading the successful 24/7 operation of COVID-19 Testing supporting VISN 4/CHOP/Homeless veterans/others with timely TAT., 2022
Invited member of the Telecytology Validation Task Force, a combined effort by a American society of cytopathology and international congress of cytology, 2022
Elected to Chair the House of Delegates to represent Pennsylvania state through the College of American Pathologists, 2023-2026
Recognition and Invitation to give oral communication at the European Congress of Cytology on "Use of Recommendations of ASC Task Force During Rose Validation with Emphasis on Importance of Including Case Mix for EUS and EBUS FNA specimens", 2024-2024
Recognition by the Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network through invitation to submit Last Word., 2024
Recognition of expertise and invited as speaker at the International Academy of Pathology Congress Annual Meeting, 2024-2024
Blue Ribbon Winner for DEI Category: "Ethnic Access to and Usage of Microsatellite Instability/Mismatch Repair Testing on Colon Cancers at a Regional Veteran Affairs Medical Center" by American Society for Clinical Pathology, 2024
Recognition of Cutting Edge Technology by Pennsylvania Association of Pathologists in oral abstract presentation, 2024
Recognition of Distinguished Service as President of the Pennsylvania Association of Pathologists by the College of American Pathologists President Elect., 2024
Recognition and Invitation by the Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network to contribute a Last Word editorial, 2024-2024
Telepathology Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Invited to host telepathology system as a leading beta testing site in recognition of contributions to telepathology for Veterans Health Administration, 2024
Telepathology Award in recognition of significant contributions to telepathology by Veterans Health Administration, 2024

Memberships and Professional Organizations

Shruti, 1981 - 1992
Indian Association of Cytologists, 1989 - Present
Ahmedabad Association of Pathologists., 1989 - 1990
Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists, Gujarat Chapter, 1990 - Present
Gujarati Literary Academy of North America, 1992 - Present
India Cultural Society of New Jersey, 1994 - 1998
Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists, 1998 - 2008
College of American Pathologists, 1999 - Present
Association of Indian Pathologists in North America, 2004 - Present
Hindu Temple Birmingham, 2004 - Present
Medical Research Council of South Africa, 2005 - 2007
American Society of Clinical Pathologists, 2005 - Present
American Society of Cytology, 2006 - Present
Japan-Thailand Society of Cytology Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 2008 - 2008
Veterans Affairs, 2010 - Present
Texas Teleconference Network, San Antonio, 2010 - 2013
Main Line Diwali Celebration Group, 2012 - Present
Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology, 2013 - 2018
Department of Defense, Grant Reviewer, 2017 - Present
Association of pathology chairs, 2017 - Present
Royal Society of Medicine, UK, 2019 - Present
Pennsylvania Association of Pathologists, President, 2022 - 2023
Pennsylvania Association of Pathologists, Immediate Past President, 2024

Web Links

Selected Publications

Definitions in tissue acquisition: core biopsy, cell block, and beyond.

Jhala N, Jhala D., Gastrointest Endosc Clin N Am. 24(1): 19-27, 2014

Efficacy and cost of using FibroSURE to evaluate hepatic fibrosis in a Veterans Administration Patient Population: A Pilot Study.

Clayton Erica Fan, Kaplan David, Sepulveda Jorge, Jhala Nirag, Chang Kyong Min, Jhala Darshana., United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Baltimore, MD., 2013

Dynamic telecytology compares favorably to rapid onsite evaluation of endoscopic ultrasound fine needle aspirates.

Buxbaum James L, Eloubeidi Mohamad A, Lane Christianne J, Varadarajulu Shyam, Linder Ami, Crowe Amanda E, Jhala Darshana, Jhala Nirag C, Crowe David R, Eltoum Isam A, Digestive diseases and sciences 57(12): 3092-7, 2012, PMID:22729624

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Metastatic inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor identified by EUS-FNA in mediastinal lymph nodes with ancillary FISH studies for ALK rearrangement.

Borak Samuel, Siegal Gene P, Reddy Vishnu, Jhala Nirag, Jhala Darshana, Diagnostic cytopathology 40 Suppl 2(): E118-25, 2012, PMID:21472870

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Complex analysis of a recurrent pleomorphic hyalinizing angiectatic tumor of soft parts.

Wei Shi, Pan Zenggang, Siegal Gene P, Winokur Thomas S, Carroll Andrew J, Jhala Darshana, Human pathology 43(1): 121-6, 2012, PMID:21733556

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Cytoplasmic Vacuoles: An Under Recognized Morphologic Feature of Pancreatic Endocrine Neoplasm and Solid Pseudo papillary neoplasm of the pancreas.

Vidhu Kaushik, Darshana Jhala, Michael Kochman, Nirag Jhala., Journal of the American Society of Cytopathology 1(1): S110, 2012

Endoscopic ultrasound and endobronchial ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration of deep-seated lymphadenopathy: Analysis of 1338 cases.

Nunez Amberly L, Jhala Nirag C, Carroll Andrew J, Mikhail Fady M, Reddy Vishnu V B, Xian Rena R, Jhala Darshana N, CytoJournal 9(): 14, 2012, PMID:22615712

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Utility of endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration in the diagnosis and staging of colorectal carcinoma.

Knight Carrie S, Eloubeidi Mohamad A, Crowe Ralph, Jhala Nirag C, Jhala Darshana N, Chhieng David C, Eltoum Isam A, Diagnostic cytopathology, 2011, PMID:21932358

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Multinational comparison of diagnostic clues for uterine cervical lesions among cytotechnologists in Asian countries.

Taniyama Kiyomi, Jhala Darshana N, Katayama Hironori, Kuraoka Kazuya, Naito Zenya, Rangdaeng Samreung, Gong Gyungyub, Lai Chiung-Ru, Chang Alexander, Jhala Nirag C, Diagnostic cytopathology 39(7): 489-94, 2011, PMID:20730895

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Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration: a powerful modality in the diagnosis of aggressive systemic mastocytosis.

Steciuk M, Jhala D, Haber M, Jhala N, Cytopathology : official journal of the British Society for Clinical Cytology 22(2): 130-2, 2011, PMID:20497208

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