Norge Vergara, MD

Associate Professor of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania 

Contact InformationHospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
6 Founders, Room 6049
3400 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Specialty Division

Anatomic Pathology


MD (Medicine, High Honors), Instituto Superior de Ciencias Medicas Villa Clara, Cuba, 1997

Specialty Certification

Board certified in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology by The American Board of Pathology, 2013
Cytopathology Board certified by The American Board of Pathology, 2013

Postgraduate Training

Anatomic Pathology/Clincal Pathology Residency, St Luke’s-Roosevelt-Beth Israel Hospital Center of Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, 2008-2012
Pathology Chief Resident, St Luke’s-Roosevelt-Beth Israel Hospital Center of Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, 2011-2012
Cytopathology Fellowship, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 2012-2013
Surgical Pathology Fellowship, Staten Island University Hospital, 2013-2014

Awards and Honors

Memberships and Professional Organizations

American Society of Clinical Pathology, 2008 - Present
College of American Pathologists, 2008 - Present
The United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP), 2016 - present
American Society of Cytopathology, 2017 - Present

Selected Publications

Metastatic solid tumors to the testis: a clinicopathologic evaluation of 157 cases from an international collaboration

Luiz M Nova-Camacho 1, Andres M Acosta 2, Kiril Trpkov 3, Ankur R Sangoi 4, Allaume Pierre 5, Angela Chou 6, Asli Yilmaz 3, Aurélien Morini 7, Ângelo Rodrigues 8, Christopher Dm Fletcher 9, Delia Perez-Montiel 10, Fiona Maclean 11, Félix Contreras 12, Francisco Javier Queipo 13, Gorka Muñiz Unamunzaga 13, Hector Mesa 14, Inés de Torres 15, Irune Ruiz 16, Isabel Alvarado-Cabrero 17, João Lobo 18, Lauren Schwartz 19, Liang Cheng 20, Mahmut Akgul 21, María García-Martos 22, Matthew B Palmer 19, Manju Aron 23, Maria Rosaria Raspollini 24, Manuel Manrique Celada 16, Michael Hwang 14, Muhammad T Idrees 14, Nathalie Rioux-Leclercq 5, Nicole Zalles 25, Norge Vergara 19, Priti Lal 19, Sara Wobker 26, Solène-Florence Kammerer-Jacquet 5, Susan Prendeville 27, Théau Tilmant 28, Thomas M Ulbright 14, Virginie Verkarre 28, Katrina Collins 14, Sean R Williamson 25, Angel Panizo 29, Human Pathology, 2023, PMID:37331529

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Bayesian approach to interpreting somatic cancer sequencing data: a case in point.

Ju-Yoon Yoon 1, Jason N Rosenbaum 1 2, Norge Vergara 1, Roger B Cohen 3, Robert B Wilson 4, Journal of Clinical Pathology 74(6): , 2021, PMID:32855180

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Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease-associated Renal Cell Carcinoma (ACKD-RCC) Harbor Recurrent Mutations in KMT2C and TSC2 Genes

Abhishek Shah, Priti Lal, Erik Toorens, Matthew B Palmer, Lauren Schwartz, Norge Vergara, Thomas Guzzo, Anupma Nayak, American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 2020

A multidisciplinary pancreatic cyst conference reduces low risk cyst resections

John T Nathanson, MD; Shivani Kastuar, MD; Kimberly A Forde, MD; Charles M Vollmer, MD; Evan S Siegelman, MD; Norge Vergara, MD; Danielle Fortuna, MD; Nuzhat A Ahmad, MD., Gastroenterology 158(6): s-603, 2020

End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) and Associated Tumors and Cysts

Abhishek Shah, Hospital of University of Pennsylvania (Primary Presenter) Priti Lal, University of Pennsylvania Lauren E. Schwartz, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Matthew Palmer, University of Pennsylvania Norge Vergara, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Anupma Nayak, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, USCAP 2020, Los Angeles, CA, 2020

"A Diagnostically Challenging Case of Primary Urethral Melanoma Mimicking High Grade Urothelial Carcinoma"

Lal, Priti, MD; Schwartz, Lauren, MD; Vergara, Norge, MD; Gustafson, Karen, MD, PhD; Elder, David, MB, ChB; Xu, Xiaowei, MD, PhD, CAP 2019, Orlando, FL, 2019

Villous Adenoma Arising in the Native Bladder Mucosa and the Upper Urinary Tract With Coexisting Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Following Augmentation Cystoplasty.

Nayak A, Depasquale B, Vergara N, Guzzo TA, Lal P., International Journal of Surgical Pathology 27(4): 450-456, 2019

Comparison of endoscopic ultrasound tissue acquisition methods for genomic analysis of pancreatic cancer.

Elhanafi S, Mahmud N, Vergara N, Kochman ML, Das KK, Ginsberg GG, Rajala M, Chandrasekhara V., Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 34(5): 907-913, 2019

A phase I dose escalation trial of nab-paclitaxel and fixed dose radiation in patients with unresectable or borderline resectable pancreatic cancer

Shabason JE1, Chen J, Apisarnthanarax S, Damjanov N4, Giantonio B, Loaiza-Bonilla A, O'Dwyer PJ, O'Hara M4, Reiss KA, Teitelbaum U, Wissel P, Drebin JA, Vollmer C, Kochman M, Mick R, Vergara N, Jhala N, Doucette A, Lukens JN, Plastaras JP, Metz JM, Ben-Josef E., Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 81(3): 609-6014, 2018, PMID:29362902

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Cytology and histology: Complementary diagnostic modalities during endoscopic ultrasound-guided tissue acquisition

NorgeVergaraMDRoseann I.WuMD, MPHStutiShroffMD, PhDCindy M.McGrathMD, Techniques in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Volume 20(1): 10-14, 2018